Smart Prepaid
Our latest addition to our service offerings is our Smart electricity prepaid solution, which simplifies not only how you buy electricity, but also how you control your expenditure.
UMS is also in the process of finalizing our pre-paid water solution to allow users to top up their water meter via their cell phone and no water keypad will be needed anymore. This new technology will be available in the second quarter of 2022.
A smart prepaid system benefits you as follows:
• Easy top-up from your phone or laptop from any location.
• Alarm warnings when you are running low on electricity credit on your meter.
• Allow users to verify their tariffs via our application software.

Post-paid Service
We make use of automated meter reading technology to provide you with accurate "time-of-use" billing, where we make use and support any COSEM_DLMS meter on the market.
We will also be able to tailor-make our software where necessary to assist users with any other application or hardware applicable to meet your metering needs.